Julie Chateauvert is assistant professor in the Élisabeth Bruyère School of Social Innovation. She completed a PhD in Arts Studies and Practices at UQAM and then a postdoctoral position at the Paris 8 University’s Critical Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Dynamics team. Her work has focused on narrative creation in Sign Languages. She is interested in how artists resist not only the marginalization of their languages but propose a new perspective on the world which transforms body norms and fuels a rethinking of the relationships between linguistic and cultural majority and minorities. Her research interests also include practice-based research methodologies, power relations, leadership, and accessibility in organizations. She published “Le tiers synesthète : espace d’accueil pour la création en langue des signes” in the journal intermedialités, issue 27, and “Création en langue des signes : intermédialité et proxémie” in Discours et représentations du handicap, edited by Soline Vennetier and Céline Roussel (Éditions Garnier Classique). She is also a researcher associated with the disability and society program of the EHESS (Paris) and the Labex Art H2H through her participation in the project Traduire la performance/performer la traduction.