Research Center on Social Innovation and Transformation

The Research Center on Social Innovation and Transformation brings an interdisciplinary lens of inquiry to the complex linkages between innovation and social transformation, as seen across multiple perspectives. In exploring these questions, we prioritize emancipatory  theories, grounded in an analysis of systems of oppression. In doing so, we seek to contribute to a deeper and more interconnected understanding of the logics and strategies employed by social movements and grassroots communities, as well as the role of institutions.  In particular, we are interested in their impacts on diverse systems of oppression including sexism, colonialism, racism, capitalism and extractivism. 

Working in close collaboration with the Élisabeth-Bruyère School of Social Innovation and the MaurilBélanger Atelier of Social Innovation, the CRITS creates space open to the community in order to co-construct and bring into being diverse collective action projects.  This environment enables graduate students to become invested in a dynamic research space where they can build capacities in the production and dissemination of engaged research. 


Latest publications


“Anticipation of Change” – a new discourse for democratic economic planning

6 January 2025 · 10:41

By Roland Kulke, TRANSFORM! Europe

Democratic planning of the economy is a must. I quote here an article by Hartmut Elsenhans that he wrote a few years ago for transform europe: “The aim of this text is to provide answers, addressing which social, economic and political institutions should the left use, and which political and social-transnational coalitions should it forge, to achieve its goal of a social Europe.” So what about organisations and regimes in the EU that, imperfect as they may be, can help us get closer to this goal?

This article discusses the term “anticipation,” which has become increasingly common in Brussels in recent months, especially in trade union circles. The term can be read as planning in the sense of socio-ecological transformation.


AI, analogy, innovation, and commodity power in Spyros Samothrakis’ recent contributions

5 April 2024 · 08:49

Spyros Samothrakis recently published an article (2024) and made a presentation in a series of virtual seminars organized by our research group[1]. His contributions are stimulating and deserve a serious discussion. I will try to participate in such a discussion by first underlining the aspects I think are promising in these contributions and then focusing on the issues I think are more problematic.

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Ongoing research

Our projects

The CRITS team has several ongoing research projects. These projects seek to advance the different research axes of the Research Centre through a dialogue between theory and practice.


Our network

None of our work would be possible without our partners. This is, in part, because they provide the financing to realize our mission, but also because we work directly with grassroots organizations in the production and co-creation of research. 


Our researchers

Various people are involved with CRITS and practice innovative and engaged research within communities.

Research axis

Our program

The CRITS has four research axes through which each of its projects are integrated: Social Action, Emancipation, Democratic Management, Engaged Pedagogies and Research Practices.