Research partners

Chaire de leadership en enseignement Alban-D’Amours en sociologie de la coopération de l’Université Laval
The priority of Leadership in Teaching Chair Alban-D’Amours in Sociology of Cooperation is the study of cooperation and its institutionalization as the basis of cooperatism. Its general objective of teaching and research is to contribute to the analysis and sociological reflection on cooperation and on the contribution of the cooperative model to the development of society and communities.
Research partners

Chaire de recherche sur la transition écologique de l’UQAM
The UQAM Research Chair on Ecological Transition is studying ongoing transformations with a special focus on the innovations brought by the actors of the ecological transition. Based on a transformational research approach, all of the Chair’s work is conducted in close collaboration with these actors. This work is organized into three “transition projects”:
1. Environments of life
2. Food systems
3. Climate and Energy
Research partners

Community Knowledge Exchange (CKX)
We are a social change agency.
We are a collective, working together to leverage our unique strengths as individuals, as partners and as community members.
We lead with love and work with shift disturbers to live in symbiotic relationship with the Earth and each other.
Research partners
Association canadienne-française de l’Ontario – Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry (ACFO-SDG)
ACFO-SDG is an Ontario organization offering services to Francophones and Francophiles in the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry region. It welcomes new residents of the region, mobilizes community members in consultation with other organizations to achieve common goals, supports community economic development and represents Francophone communities with local and regional representatives.