Welcome to the School of Social Innovation!
This year’s orientation day is taking a slightly different format. In addition to sessions on-line, we have prepared a series of videos to highlight important information about the School, our social innovation ecosystem and the services offered at Saint Paul.
10:00 – 11:30am: Session of graduate students (MA)
Link: https://uottawa-ca.zoom.us/j/96621728719?pwd=NUovYnFFNWVSK1B1blJyNEpkYi9UQT09
Check-out the videos and see the attached links for further information.
Introduction to our Social Innovation Ecosystem
Services available to students
The Research Centre on Social Innovation and Transformation
The Mauril Belanger Social Innovation Workshop (the ‘Atelier’)
- Saint Paul University Orientation Day and activities: https://ustpaul.ca/en/orientation_6920_17.htm