Join the School of Social Innovation for its Fall Open House and Networking Event Cultivating Connections and Community!
You are warmly invited to participate in the School of Social Innovation’s Fall Open House and Networking event on Oct 24th. This event will be an opportunity for community groups and organizations to connect with students and community members, as well as a chance for students and community members to learn more about what’s happening in our region and how they can get involved.
We have tables available for groups and organizations to share information – available on a first come first serve basis (email to reserve your spot).

- Professor panel on “what the $#@% is Social Innovation anyway?”
- Information tables from diverse community groups, projects and campaigns
- Information on the School of Social Innovation Programs and the Social Innovation Atelier
- Free food and drinks!
À noter: la soirée sera principalement en anglais, mais tout le monde est le bienvenu et encouragé à participer dans la langue de son choix!