Luc K. Audebrand is Full Professor of Responsible Management and Solidarity Economy at Université Laval (Québec, Canada). He holds the Chair in educational leadership on social engagement. His research interests focus on the management of paradoxes in alternative organizations and collaborative dynamics within and around alternative meta-organizations. More recently, he has been working on governance and interoperability issues in cooperative platforms. Luc has published articles in ‘Organization Studies’, ‘Journal of Business Ethics’, ‘Academy of Management Learning & Education’, ‘M@n@gement’, and ‘Journal of Management Education’. He is also the scientific director of Université Laval’s social engagement initiative, whose objective is to promote the participation of students, professors and employees in the community. Since 2018, he is in charge of the MOOC on responsible management at Université Laval, with more than 21,000 participants in 60 countries so far.